1. Wang CT, Young YH. Earlier and later components of tone burst evoked myogenic potentials. Hear Res. 2004 May; 191(1-2):59-66.
2. Wang CT, Young YH. Potential usefulness of Tl-201 SPECT for differentiating radionecrosis in an irradiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma patient. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2006 Feb; 263(2):135-8.
(研究主題: 鼻咽癌)
3. Wang CT, Young YH. Comparison of the head elevation versus rotation methods in eliciting vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Ear Hear. 2006 Aug; 27(4):376-81.(研究主題:平衡功能)
4. Chen CN, Wang SJ, Wang CT, Hsieh WS, Young YH. Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in newborns. Audiol Neurootol. 2007; 12(1):59-63.
(研究主題: 新生兒聽力)
5. Chang CH, Yang TL, Wang CT, Young YH. Measuring neck structures in relation to vestibular evoked myogenic potentials. Clin Neurophysiol. 2007 May; 118(5):1105-9.
(研究主題: 頸部超音波)
6. Day AS, Wang CT, Chen CN, Young YH. Correlating the cochleovestibular deficits with tumor size of acoustic neuroma. Acta Oto-laryngologica. 2008 Jul;128(7):756-60
7. (碩士論文)偏頭痛型眩暈的臨床表現與分類依據Clinical presentation and classification criteria of migraine related vertigo.
研究生:王棨德. 指導老師: 賴美淑, 楊怡和.
8. Wang CT, Lai MS, Young YH. Relationship between basilar type migraine and migrainous vertigo. Headache ( In press)
(研究主題: 眩暈與偏頭痛)
9. Wang CT, Cheng PW. Correlating audiovestibular function test and hearing outcome in sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Ear and Hearing 2009 Feb;30(1):110-4.
(研究主題: 突發性聽障)
10. Liao LJ, Wang CT, Young YH, Cheng PW.
Head Neck. 2009 Aug 19. [Epub ahead of print]
(研究主題: 頭頸部超音波)
11. Chen TC, Wang CT, Ko JY, Lou PJ, Yang TL, Ting LL, Wang CW, Hu YL, Wang CP.
Postoperative radiotherapy for primary early oral tongue cancer with pathologic N1 neck.
Head Neck. 2009 Aug.
(研究主題: 早期舌癌之手術與放射線治療)
研討會演講: 1. 臺灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第 75屆學術演講會(民92,11) 前庭誘發肌性電位之遲發電位 Later Potentials of VEMPs 2. 臺灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第 77屆學術演講會(民93,11) 前庭誘發肌性電位一系列波峰之探討 Investigating serial peaks of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials 3. 臺灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第 79屆學術演講會(民94,11) 前庭誘發肌性電位: 抬頭法與轉頭法之比較 Comparison of head elevation versus rotation methods in eliciting vestibular evoked myogenic potentials 4. 第八屆台日醫學會(民94,12) Combined use of head elevation and head rotation methods in eliciting vestibular evoked myogenic potentials 5. 臺灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第 81屆學術演講會(民95,11) 視覺迴饋應用在前庭誘發肌性電位 Visual feedback in eliciting vestibular evoked myogenic potentials 6. 臺灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第 83屆學術演講會(民96,11) 偏頭痛性眩暈的神經耳科學探討 Neuro-otological approach to migrainous vertigo 7. XXV Barany Society Meeting (國際神經耳科學年會), Kyoto, Japan (民97,4) Relationship between migrainous vertigo and basilar type migraine
8. 臺灣耳鼻喉科醫學會第 87屆學術演講會(民9811)
玻尿酸與膠原蛋白於聲帶注射之臨床應用 Clinical application of hyaluronic acid and collagen in vocal fold injection